Android Pro Widgets FULL v1.4.2
A set of powerful and extremely useful home screen widgets! ✓ Designed for both smart phones and tablets ✓ Widgets for Agenda &...

“Do you want a set of customizable, skinnable and accessible widgets to your needs on the homescreen? Then look no further…” - Android UK News
☆ Agenda & Calendar
☆ People
☆ Bookmarks
☆ Messaging
☆ Timeline (Facebook + Twitter) [License required]
☆ Quick Event - Quick Calendar event insertion tool w/ native language processing and speech recognition capabilities!
☆ Say What - little 4x1 widget to update Facebook/Twitter quickly from the home screen.
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[1] This is a widgets package. The main app is mainly intended for explaining how to actually add widgets to your home screen.
[2] A scroll button is used on Android 2.x with launchers that don't support scrollable widgets. If your launcher does not support scrolling either use the scroll button or replace your launcher. Honeycomb, ICS, JB, ADW Launcher, Launcher Pro, Go Launcher Ex and many other launchers support scrollable widgets.
[3] Calendar widget is not scrollable in its grid mode.
[4] In Quick Event entering the edit window will ignore the reminder setting and the selected calendar, and use the default calendar application settings instead.
[5] Bookmarks widget supports the following browsers: Stock, Chrome, MIUI, Skyfire. Please understand that most browsers simply can't be supported.
[6] Facebook/Twitter pictures are cached to SD card. Clear cache in preferences if the pictures are outdated.
[7] On Android 4.x the Facebook for Android application does not normally allow non system applications to access contact images. Use the free Facebook contact Sync application
[8] Reasons for every permission are available.