LED Blinker Notifications v6.2.0 Apk
Let LED Blinker Notifications (formerly LEDBlinker) show your missed calls, SMS, Facebook and Whatsapp messages. If you have no hardwa...

All apps are supported in the full version, click on the plus button on the top and add the missing.
✔ Works with latest Android Lollipop Version
✔ individual settings for each app, e. g. blink rate, vibration, sounds and repeats
✔ light and dark color scheme
✔ export/import settings (no lost settings when you install new ROMS/mods)
✔ Silent mode for every day (enable it for the night to stop blinking
✔ widget to deactivate LED Blinker/remove notifications quickly
✔ Screen LED for phones without real LED
✔ missed calls and sms
✔ Battery status (LED notification for low battery, < 10%)
✔ Google Mail
✔ Google Talk/Google Hangouts
✔ Calendar reminder notifications
✔ Standard EMail App
✔ SNOView - Social Network Overview notification
✔ Facebook messages
✔ WhatsApp messages
✔ Skype messages
✔ Bluetooth messages (LED goes on when bluetooth is active)
✔ Alternative On-Screen-LED
✔ Twitter, Threema (now with group support), Facebook Messenger and so on.
All rights are needed to run the app, lesser are not possible.
The new right to write to SD card it needed for error reports (check menu extras: Debug mode), please send it to MafiaPaidApps@gmail.com if you have found an error.
If you have problems please do a full re-install and/or reboot your phone.
Otherwise contact me at Facebook/Google+/Email to get help.
Only needed when you use the accessiblity service!
You can change the launcher by using another one from the Google Play Store. For example, Solo Launcher - Swift & Smart, Nova Launcher, Go Launcher and Holo Launcher. These launchers will not exhibit this bug.