ROM Toolbox Pro v6.0.6.5 Patched Apk
ROM Toolbox is THE MUST HAVE APP for every root user. ROM Toolbox combines all the great root apps into one monster app with a beau...

☆ Install ROMs & themes from a growing list of ROMs. AOKP, CyanogenMod and other popular ROMs included.
☆ Create, manage & restore nandroid backups
☆ Wipe data, cache, dalvik-cache, battery stats
☆ Install multiple ROMs & ZIPs from your SD card
★App Manager ★
☆ Batch backup & restore apps and their data
☆ Schedule backups to run at a certain time
☆ Restore apps from nandroid backups
☆ Backup/Restore text messages, bookmarks, accounts, etc.
☆ Backup your apps to dropbox
☆ Freeze/Defrost system & user apps
☆ Backup/restore Android Market link
☆ Task manager
☆ Automated batch uninstaller
☆ E-mail your apps to friends
☆ Move any user app to the SD card
☆ Clean up dalvik-cache
☆ Zipalign, fix permissions, wipe data & cache, force close any app
★Root Explorer ★
☆ Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!).
☆ Batch copy/paste, zip, tar, delete, move any file or folder
☆ Change file permissions and ownership
☆ View, edit & share files
☆ File manager with two panels for easier management
★ Scripter & Terminal Emulator ★
☆ Create and run scripts as root
☆ Set your scripts to run at-boot
★ Auto Start Manager ★
☆ Enable/disable apps that run on start-up
☆ Enable/disable any broadcast receiver, activity or service
★ Rebooter ★
☆ Reboot recovery, powerdown, bootloader, etc.
★ Font Installer ★
☆ Install custom fonts from a huge list or from your sdcard
☆ Set fonts as favorites & send them to friends
★ Boot Animation Installer ★
☆ Install custom boot animations from a huge collection or from your sdcard
☆ Preview boot animations
☆ Create a boot animation from a GIF file
☆ Have a new random boot animation each time you boot-up!
★ Theme Manager & Statusbar Icon Changer ★
☆ Create and install full themes
☆ Customize your status bar by installing custom icons for wifi, signal, gps, etc.
☆ Change your battery icons in the status bar to a custom one from a list of 200+
★ Boot Logo Changer ★
☆ Change your boot logo for supported phones
★ Theme Chooser Themes ★
☆ View a list of themes for the TMobile Theme Chooser
★Set CPU★
☆ SetCPU & scaling governor
☆ CPU Profiles
☆ Kernel tweaks to speed up performance
★ Build.prop Editor ★
☆ Easily edit your build.prop
☆ Change lcd density, improve battery life, increase performance
★ Auto Memory Manager ★
☆ Set minfree values & select from presets. Apply values at boot
★ SD Booster ★
☆ Increase the speed of your SD card
Contacts - Backup call log and sms
SMS - Backup call log and sms
Accounts - Backup and restore from Google Drive