DarkMTRL Thyrus CM12 Theme v1.7 Apk
DarkMTRL CM12 is a dark theme developed for the Theme Engine from CyanogenMod CM12. It is based on the original concept by the author ...

DarkMTRL CM12 is a dark theme developed for the Theme Engine from CyanogenMod CM12.
It is based on the original concept by the author when Android 5.0 was launched, featuring inverted dark components and blue grey accents and highlights.
Please note:
Given CM12 and its theme engine are still WIP, some issues may be experienced. Currently the following issues exist:
- Advanced Reboot menu - second menu not themed - CM12 issue
- Contacts - currently light themed until Theme engine issues are solved by CM
- DocumentsUI- not fully themeable, missing commit for side_drawer colors which makes some fonts difficult to read - commit pushed to CM to merge
- Resolver list ("open_with" menu when opening certain file types such as images - list not 100% themed in commit - commit pushed to CM to merge
Currently themed:
System font SegoeUI
Keyboad (AOSP Version when selecting material dark in keyboard settings)
CM file manager
Dialer and Phone
Google Translate (basic themeing)
Google Talk (basic themeing)
Google Hangouts (basic themeing)
Google Now/Google Search (basic theming for app drawer)
Google DocumentsUI (some issues exist on CM12 currently that will be resolved when CM merges the relevant commits)
Google Mail (Gmail - basic theming including readable subject field in dark notifications)
Google Clock may FC when rebooting, clear app data of Clock app to resolve this