Dark Stock Theme - CM12.1 CM12 PA v1.5.2 Apk
What if we had the option to select a Dark Theme in stock android? Well.. surely would like similar to this. ;) If you like dark theme...

If you like dark themes but you love stock theme, this merges the two ideas together.
-Alarm tone
-System UI
-AOSP Keyboard
-CyanogenMod File Manager
-CyanogenMod Messages
-CyanogenMod Recorder
-CyanogenMod Updater
-Documents/Download UI
-Facebook (statusbar only)
-Google Chrome
-Google Keep
-Google Keyboard
-Google Hangouts v4
-Google Launcher/Now
-Google Mail
-Google Messenger
-Google Play Music
-Google Play Store
-Google Translate
-Launcher3/Trebuchet(=CM Launcher)
-Nova Launcher's searchbar
-Package Installer
-Theme Chooser
-YouTube (settings and few icons)