Network Monitor Mini Pro v1.0.146 Apk
We like live statistics. Android does not show network connection statistics on screen. You do not know the current internet bandwid...

★ Custom Prefix (U: / D: etc.)
★ Custom Readings Location
★ Custom Color, Width, Height, Font, Font size, Transparency value
★ Show on Status Bar
★ Adjustable Decimal Places (Please turn it off if you have flickering problem)
★ Adjustable Kilo Value
★ Hide /s Suffix (per second)
★ Hide Readings (No Traffic)
★ Hide when Specific Apps are Running
★ Hide when Day Dreaming (screen saver - 4.2+)
★ Beta Test: Traffic Breakdown Mode (traffic by each app)
★ Beta Test: Interface Breakdown Mode (traffic by each network interface)
★ Normalize VPN / local proxy / ad blocking loopback traffic
*** 4.3+ user with ROOT: You can now download our "Notification Helper" app to hide, force clear, and recover notifications ***
1.0.122 Support android 5 / lollipop exception list (require PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS permission)
1.0.104 Interface breakdown mode
1.0.102 Korean (Young-wook Kim)
1.0.100 Width adjustment
1.0.99 Xiaomi fix (小米、紅米)
1.0.97-98 Djek Energetik (Russian), 川﨑聖哉 (Japanese), fix for 4.4.2 (service not restart bug, now restart when unlock)
1.0.96 Fix for 4.4
* Fix for Nexus 5
* Update Normalization option
1.0.91 Normalize option for VPN, local proxy, adblocking traffic / widget
* Run service in normal priority / hide notification completely (4.3+)
* Enforced READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for kitkat (Read SD card font) (4.4+)
* Fix for Kitkat (4.4)
* Advanced color (prefix / network type)
* Layout (horizontal / vertical)
* Refresh Interval selection (suggest value is 1)
* Notification: display IP and network (Require INTERNET, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE PERMISSION)
* Show " - " for zero reading (regular mode only, please config in DP control)
* Bug fix, and heuristics for beta mode
1.0.82 Bug fix
1.0.79 Optimize for HD res
* DP option update (disable it to avoid flickering)
* Beta Testing Mode (for supported devices only)
* Notification fix (4.3+)
* Decimal Places control (DP)
* Custom prefix
* Text transparency
* Hide when day dreaming (4.2+)
* Manual input x, y for custom locations