Sixaxis Controller v1.0.0 APK
*** Please read all instructions carefully. *** Not all devices are supported, therefore it is strongly recommended that you try the S...

Sixaxis Controller
DualShock® 3 Wireless Controller
PlayStation® Move Navigation Controller
DualShock® 4 Wireless Controller (If pairing on a PC, you must use SixaxisPairTool 0.3.0+)
- ROOT access is required!!!
- Due to the way pairing is done with the controllers, you need to manually pair your controller with the PC utility 'SixaxisPairTool' (available on the website) and a mini-USB cable. Android 3.1+ users can also pair directly on their devices via USB.
- It is highly recommended that you use an ORIGINAL controller. Many after market controllers will not work with this app. If you get a 'Client connected: 1' message, but the lights on your controller continue to flash, it is almost certainly not an original Sony controller.
- The fake controllers that are most likely to work (though not guaranteed) are those made by Gasia. If you bought a fake that works but isn't made by Gasia, I'd love to hear from you so I can compile a list of known working controllers.
- Be sure to read the instructions in the help menu carefully.
- Up to four Sixaxis, DualShock 3, DualShock 4 and Navigation controllers supported at once.
- Support as a native gamepad in Android 3.1+ devices. Full support for analog sticks and analog triggers.
- Keyboard emulation. Map all buttons and sticks to almost any key available in Android.
- Mouse emulation. Configure a button to activate the mouse pointer on devices that support mice (most tablets, and many phones should work).
- Touch emulation allows you to map buttons and analog sticks to the screen. Play all your favourite games with full analog support, even those without built-in controller support!
- Driver rewritten for Android Nougat (when it comes!)
- Complete refresh to the user interface
- Android TV support
- Low battery notifications
- Customize LED colors for DS4 controller
- Native gamepad profiles
- Various other bug fixes