This app is intended to aid in testing & development of GPS related apps, but can also be useful in a variety of other situations. For example, if your GPS readings are inaccurate this app can help workaround that. Or, it can be used to save battery life without completely disabling your Location settings.
- Fake, mock, or spoof your GPS coordinates to any location.
- Simple, intuitive user interface with integrated map and search.
- The best spoofing algorithm in existence.
Many additional features such as:
- Customizable GPS parameters.
- Support for rooted device & mock location disabled.
- Simulated walking mode
General Usage:
1. Tap the map once at your desired location and then click the "Play" button to start spoofing.
2. For best results set Location mode to DEVICE ONLY and disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning.
When using *ANY* GPS spoofing app there's a chance you may experience rubber banding, or jumping back and forth between your real location and the spoofed location. I've added some functionality to try to fix rubber banding; it's working on many devices, but not all. I'll continue to research this problem and try to make improvements.
- Now runs as a "foreground" service. This may help prevent Android from prematurely killing the service if the device is running low on memory.
- Improved overall usability
- Added a Help screen
- Improved compatibility with Android 6.0+
- Added fix to help /w rubber banding on some devices
(some devices may still encounter rubber banding issues)
Requires Android-4.1 and up