OxygenCM CM13/12.1 v2.5 Apk
This theme was created to port the Oxygen Os UI in all devices with CM Theme Engine. It contain 25 color variants! NOTE: You must in...

This theme was created to port the Oxygen Os UI in all devices with CM Theme Engine.
It contain 25 color variants!
NOTE: You must install Arcus from Google Play to use this functionality! Get it from here:
OxygenCM series: Oxygen Red, Oxygen Purple, Oxygen Holo, Oxygen Yellow, Oxygen Cyan, Oxygen Orange, Oxygen Emerald with dark background (OnePlus 2) or full black (OnePlus X).
- Browser
- Calculator
- Contacts
- Contacts
- Dialer
- DocumentsUI
- Keyboard.
- Package Installer
- Phone
- Settings
- Sound Recorder
- SystemUI
- GooglePlay Store
- Eleven
- CM FileManager
- Trebuchet
- Gmail
- Google Keyboard
- Instagram
- AudioFX
- Theme Chooser
- OnePlus 2 boot animation
What's new?
- Added Gallery2.
- Added AOSP Launcher3.
- Added You Tube.
- Added Added About DU and Updater.
- Improvements, now it is fully compatible with Dirty Unicorns!
- Fixed OPX yellow variant.
- Fixes, fixes, fixes...
- Power menu themed.
- Fixes.
- Added DU Certified app.