Tweetings for Twitter v10.9.3.2 [Patched] Apk
A beautiful Twitter client to immerse yourself in the Twitter experience. Beautiful themes, including a full Material Design experience,...

✓ Clickable links in your timeline, long press links for more options
✓ Long press tweets for quick actions
✓ Animated Gif searching, posting and viewing support
✓ Twitter video posting & viewing support
✓ Android Wear support! View your timeline and reply directly to a notification. You can also send a new Tweet directly from your watch!
✓ Realtime streaming updates, total optional. Can even run in the background
✓ Chat Heads for received Direct Messages
✓ Beautiful Card UI and Drawer navigation
✓ Wonderful, rich, high-quality image previews, including beautiful parallax effect and swipe down to close
✓ Light, dark carbon and hybrid themes
✓ Powerful theme builder, allowing you to create, download and share custom themes
✓ Multiple Twitter accounts
✓ Save as many draft tweets as you want
✓ Internal Web browser
✓ Mute users, hashtags, keywords and clients, with official Twitter mute user syncing and auto-expiry
✓ Muffle users, they still show in your timeline, just less prominently
✓ Clickable links in the timeline
✓ Search your own timelines
✓ Twitlonger support
✓ Tweetmarker timeline sync for Home, Mentions, Lists and Saved Searches
✓ Customizable navigation. Put whatever is important to you at the forefront
✓ Dashclock integration
✓ Chrome tabs support
✓ Timeline and mention widgets
✓ Parallax timeline effect
✓ Support back to Android 4.0.3 ICS
- Improvements to the New Tweet screen, especially on smaller screen devices when replying and attaching an image
- Performance improvements to Direct Message conversation screen